
Estoy en Guadalajara!

Greetings from Mexico. I'm in day two of the Truth With A Camera workshop and so far it has been amazing. Though we haven't really had much time to shoot, it has been wonderful to meet photojournalists from across the country who share a similar passion and vision of photojournalism as myself. The instructors are extremely open, humble about their illustrious careers, and driven to help us succeed. I've only shot a few street scenes in our walks to various locations but here's a couple to get an idea of what I'm seeing. Check back again for updates from my first official day of work.

A view of the beautiful Spanish architecture in Guadalajara. This is one of the big open squares in the center of town.

We stumbled upon some street performers doing some sort of crazy clown and accordion routine. The Guadalajarans loved it.

Watching the street performance was this little girl. Lucky for me, she was quickly distracted by a gringo with a big camera.

Guadalajarans young and old enjoy the amazing May weather in the plazas of the city. This man listens as an evangelist preaches in front of the cathedral.

There will be much more to come this week. Thanks for checking out my first post from Mexico!


Laura said...

was that last photo a hip shot?
Can't wait to see more photos!

Kevin said...

yep total hip shot... i got really close to him though :)