
Truth With A Camera

There's all kinds of exciting developments going on with my photography! I'm happy to announce that my next photography assignment will be in Guadalajara, Mexico as a participant in the Truth With A Camera Workshop.

In May I will be traveling with 15 other US-based photographers to Guadalajara, where we will team up with 15 Mexico-based photographers. Truth With A Camera partners with local NGOs to create media that is used to market the organizations' missions. For this trip, we will be partnered with NGOs in Guadalajara that advocate for children who make their living on the streets. My daily schedule will include a full day of photography and interaction with these kids, followed by a full evening of photo editing, under the guidance of some of today's top photojournalists. It should prove to be an amazing experience both personally and professionally.

An added bonus is that I will be traveling with a great friend and fantastic person, Joey Cardella. Please visit his newly launched website www.joeysee.com.

Joey recently returned for South Africa, where he was serving as a Peace Corps volunteer. While there, Joey snapped this captivating photograph. Joey's photos cuts through the the b.s. that tends to divide people, and focus on the aspects of the human condition that unites people around the world. It'll be great to experience Guadalajara with him. Please return in June to see the work that comes out of our week in Mexico.

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